While biking up long hill climbs, the mind wanders and it ponders.
Lichau Road is one such stiff climb where mental distraction is a welcome way to change one's focus from a long uphill battle with gravity. Oddly, there is even a stretch that’s nicknamed “Gravity Hill”. The odd part is the supposed reverse gravity. (I could have used some of that on today’s ride.) Fact is, though, the reverse gravity thing is only an optical illusion. My friend’s land surveying crew actually took some topo shots up there and verified just that.
Lichau Road bisects pasture land where cows often graze. You ride over multiple cattle crossings and even sometimes encounter these massive creatures in the road, presenting you with an ornery obstacle.
As I approached the herd, the moo fest began. The sound was loud and incessant! Of twenty some beasts, at least half the herd was joining in the cacophonous chorus. What was their deal anyway?!
I paused to reflect, surmising that this was a cow form of accolade for my triumph over gravity. Probably not.
My yellow powder coated titanium Litespeed is a sexy sight. Did they hope to mate? I definitely wasn’t up for that kind of party.
Were they bemoaning their existential vacuum in a shared cow consciousness? Hmmm. They could also be hungry.
Sounding kinda pissed now, the herd moved toward me en masse.
All righty then..... time to roll.
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