“The board is a high performance animal that likes to be pumped and accelerated; and may otherwise get a little squirrelly just going down the line” I cautioned Dugen, my would be buyer from Craigslist.
Though only four months into surfing, he still insisted he was drawn to my McTavish Original. He sure sounded more passionate than the other two inquiries. They were so fixated on the board being dinged, that they seemed to be shopping for a car ornament. Dugen instead wanted to know about how it would ride. Thus I was feeling more inclined to accommodate someone with such resolve to take on a new sport.
I even agreed to meet him at Bolinas today and let him do a demo. He said he’d be driving a 2001 Subaru Outback that was green mist in color with a bike rack. Get out! That’s what I drive too. With such synchronicity, it seemed right.
The waves were knee high, mushy and the Channel current was sucking hard. One challenging day for a demo. Still, Dugen was undaunted and actually catching waves with surprising athleticism for a 42 year old guy just learning to surf. So I hooted with support and perhaps some ulterior motive to close the deal. And clearly this is a board he will quickly learn to love.
“That thing will look good on your Subaru too.” I suggested, remembering the car ornament theory.
It was all going so well. I even lucked into several fun sections too. When I next looked for Dugen, he was on the beach holding his head. Naturally I paddled in to his aid. Seems he got smacked in the face and a very linear welt was already showing.
We made it back to the matching Subarus and I had to comment, “Dude, you know you are bleeding?”
Dugen replied, “So will you take $450?” This tough surfer was also a tough negotiator.
Since he was already beaten up, I came off my $495 and we met at $475. I could see his medical bills piling up. I accepted the currency hoping it wasn’t as bloody as the cloth he kept dabbing into his mouth.
I couldn’t leave Dugen in this state; so I dialed 2 Mile Surf Shop to ask for the nearest doc. We ended up on Mesa Drive where there is a little clinic. Seems that there may be some damage to his sinus and there continued to be blood. Still, better spirits began to prevail. Shit happens, right?
The nurse even suggested that I had found a new surf bud. “I think I’ll give him plenty of space in the water though”, I joked.
“Okay man, good luck. I did try to tell you that board is a wild stallion!”