I just got my gold card! No, it’s not American Express. It’s my park pass to Sonoma County Regional Parks, my ticket to Spring Lake where I embark on Annadel mountain bike journeys.
Unlike the standard issue green passes, this one is gold and bears the “GOLDEN YEARS” caption. I’ll gladly cop to that label to save the 30 bucks. I’m not proud…. I’ve been exploiting the grey hair for years. I’ve fooled those kids who sell movie tickets for the last decade and have yet to be refused my senior rate.
When I flash my gold, it commands respect. The ranger in the kiosk now says with reverence, “Enjoy your time sir.” (What’s left of it, right?!)
But that’s gonna be my new mantra. “Enjoy your time sir”. And hey, life’s prettaaay, prettaaay good (Larry David intonation).
Doug echoed the life’s good sentiments today. I ran into him after the morning surf session. What a role model! He’s several years older and is hard core. (And he told me he actually reads DaBlog!! So he's definitely got that goin for him.)
We even worked out a life plan…. Live til 95 and surf til yer 80! Note to self: use it or lose it.