Yeah, I was bummed when I noticed how cracked my rims were. Guess my aging eyes were oblivious to such details. The Sonoma County roads had exacted their toll over the years. And indeed my Litespeed Natchez is of an early nineties vintage. You really don’t see a lot of powder coated titanium like this one.
Now I’m over it ‘cause I’ve updated to a Mavic Aksium wheelset. Here’s what Mavic has to say about these puppies...
This wheelset provides you with top Mavic technologies. Straight pull aerodynamic spokes, new versatile and lightweight rims, serviceable cartridge bearings… the Aksium will make any bike better.
Some sweet new technology has given my bike a major makeover and shaved ¾ lb. off the weight, rolling weight at that. Major difference in acceleration should result.
Now to “shut up and ride”, as the CBO mantra goes.
Later the same day....
Just got back from a Lichau Rd. hill climb…. aka. ‘gravity hill’.
Did I ride like the wind on my new wheels? C’mon I’m almost 60 here, and it would take more than a new wheelset to sling shot me up that stiff climb. My Litespeed did ascend nicer than ever though.
Did the bike accelerate any differently? Absolutely yeah mon.
Other observations? The bike now rolls like butta!!
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