Yet another B-day....Charlotte is soon to turn 59...so during yesterday’s mountain bike ride, we commiserated about our parallel passages of time and where we find ourselves on life’s continuum.
I mentioned Pete’s remark out in the surf recently. He said that if I was doing this well at 59, I’d still be surfing at 69. Though this was an intended compliment, it got me thinking. So does that mean I have just 10 more years?! F*#K THAT.
Charlotte pointed out how hubby, Joel had demonstrated to us all what is possible in one’s sixties. At nearly 69, he still sets the pace on the bike trails. With speed, agility and bike handling skill is how this role model rolls.
And clearly Charlotte is ever youthful in her own way of life, an avid biker & dancer, as well as a passionate writer. Physical pursuit & state of mind, huh?
Guess I’ll let go of trying to quantify life's expectations and just live my life instead. Note to self: Re-read this when you turn 60.
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