Marty was born 71 years ago today. Seeing him surf this morning, it appeared that he was just reborn! I saw him conquer wave after birthday wave. It was his day & he ran things out there.
As we all sat later on the sea wall enjoying brownies (he bakes yet); I pondered his youthful exuberance. “To what do you attribute your longevity and fitness?” I had to pose this question, as I sought some secret fountain of youth from which to imbibe (not the shots of Jim Beam that Ray had in mind for the occasion).
Some thought the question was a little deep but Marty readily obliged. “I keep a sense of humor about myself” Sage wisdom indeed!
It isn’t that Jim Beam or even the green beer du jour; but here is my....
B-Day Toast To Marty
I just got the word,
About your birthday,
And now that I’ve heard,
What tribute to pay?
You’re a talented Tallant,
With so much to say,
And board riding balance,
Just add repartee.
Old man of the sea,
You’ve put “time in a bottle”.
You seem youthful to me.
You are my role model!
Like the Terminator,
You go on and on,
We’ll see you later,
Surfing Golden Pond!
On many a wave,
To drop in I’d try,
But I had to behave,
As you flew right on by.
(Er…better make that a left)
Have a Happy -Matt
More Illumination.....
Dr. Matt, I've tried to respond to DaBlog with no luck. Here is my message: Matt, what a guy. You captured the day beautifully with poem, prose and commentary. Thank you. I should have pondered the question regarding what I do to stay young a bit more. Love, a wonderful wife, hugs, positive outlook on life, keep giving to others, learn new things always and then keep a spare bar of surf wax for any conditions that might cause you to slide to oblivion, all add to a full life. Blessings my friend. c u in the lineup, Marty
As they say "You must be living right!" way to go