Sinister and SUBVERSIVE GALLERY is bringing back the beauty of the handmade..not the giant corporate buisness made flavor of the week junk you get everywhere else..Sinister is taking us all back in time, using silkscreen/screen printing techniques of the 60's and 70's, not the digitally reproduced garbage out there now being churned out by the millions by greedy executives and trend watchers..Sinister's screen prints are done by hand, not by a computer in China..
Clearly his work is NOT the stuff of Detroit’s assembly lines; so I whipped up this image in Photoshop for him using one of his paintings. Given our previous rapport, I hoped he would dig it.

Got this back.....Your the best Matt….just got off the phone with Sinister....he can't wait to see your next photoshopping art! I got a laugh out of that one..great job!.... Sinister is doing artwork for a huge fashion show here in Detroit on the 20th, so he's under the gun trying to get 15 huge paintings done for that!... Again, thanks for all the great comments and pics!
Lydia Carver
Winking Zombie Artist Collective
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