This relates to DaBlog post Feb 6; so scroll back if need be.....
Matt..omg! too cool!........ we showed your Atitudin' Mona Lisa to Sinister and he got a kick out of it..so he's gonna send you something else made just for you..on the house..hope you like it!!
Lydia Carver
Winking Zombie Artist Collective
This watercolor is just part of what he sent!
Sinister is an artist for the masses.
He writes….I now have art in 39 US states, China, Germany, The UK, Ireland, Japan,Iceland, Brazil, Austrailia and France. I'd rather "get my art out there" and have people enjoy it..then sit on 100's of "masterpieces" that I want outrageous prices for in hopes that some rich corporate investor will come along and "discover" me.
He also sent a potentially valuable piece which I think is a riot; though by posting it, I may again be pushing the envelope of good taste. So send those small children out of the room and avert your eyes if necessary.

Here’s the low down on this First Pressing prototype!......
Thanks for all the great words Matt, glad you liked the art..I'll let Sinister know you dug it..I didn't even know he sent you that prototype..he usually keeps all his first run materials, I've been to his studio and have seen collectors practically begging to sell those pieces (not kidding!) he even told Eric Clapton's rep when he came on a buying trip that they were not for sale..(he also wanted 3 or 4 of Sinister's sketchbooks!) So you must have really struck a chord with him with your tribute picture!
Again, thanks for the purchase and stay in touch!
Winking Zombie Artist Collective
Gosh...maybe I should have Clapton's people contact my people? NOT.
And yes, I couldn’t resist buying another painting. This one is called Basking In The Glow 1953. It’s practically my vintage. I’ve got it hanging in my fallout shelter.