Sunday, September 30, 2012


Pancakes at the Rosedale Diner was always a special outing as a boy...... Americana that got put out to pasture. Hall & Oates even sang about the place.

I took this shot back in the early 70s when I was shooting this stuff called film and actually did my own darkroom work. Photoshop was a place where you bought your supplies, like 100 ft. rolls of Tri-X in bulk and packets of chemicals to mix in big brown gallon jugs.

I never dreamed I'd have instant gratification like digital and Instagrams. The love of photography endures!!

Day to day, to day... today
Then they were old, their lives wasted away
Month to month, year to year
They all run together -Hall & Oates

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Doctor's Orders: No Arm Wrestling

It’s been a month since I got hurt; so I finally went to a Sports Doc.

Seems that ligaments take awhile to heal….longer than bones even. Thus my small contusion is nearly healed, while my Ulna ligament…. not so much.

Who knew I even had an Ulna ligament? I didn’t, at least not until the Doctor torqued my hand outward, simulating my fall. At that point my screams pretty much cleared out his waiting room.

The good news is I’ll heal. The bad news is it could take 2 months more. Could be worse. At least I can tape up, shut up and do some road rides.

Climbing is fine, but I max out with a 3 mile Lichau Road descent though….so a 12 mile Pine Flat descent will have to wait. The geezer posse will just have to go on without me. So try to keep up the repartee without my scintillating contributions.

One further note to self: Next time, remember not to crash!!!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

back door world

This guy now resides by my side door.....Guess I'll be taking an alternate route for now.


Here's some crazy visuals from Ali's wedding gig yesterday. These were NOT for the bride.

Monday, September 3, 2012

movin on.....

 They can never be what she was to me.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

must eat meat

Other than that piece of Spam sushi that I mistook for Unagi, I really haven’t eaten red meat since 1990. Ain’t it funny how sometimes events conspire to affect change!?

Since I am still recovering from a recent bike crash I have lapsed a bit. Last night I realized I was basically refrigerating air. Well, it wasn’t quite that desperate, I did have IPA and coffee....basic survival mode. And there was the Vicodin. I remembered I still had some from my botched hernia surgery years ago.  Forget the 9/09 expiration date, that stuff worked fine…just fine.

My evening plan was to kick back with the Season 5 True Blood finale, under a full moon yet. But first I’d have to venture forth into the night like a vampire in search of food.

I was soon back in my lair with what should have been a fat grilled chicken burrito. Just as the first of many vampires got staked, I took a big bite. The creature exploded and to my horror, the burrito was Carne Asada!!!!

What to do now? No other food source, injuries throbbing, dull from Vicodin, under that full moon fever. I gulped the IPA for courage....... Aw, what the hell.