So I caught some Olympic coverage last night. Kudos to those men and women who rise to their peak levels of stamina and endurance. And some props to all the good folks at home who must also endure....the barrage of commercials. (I know it’s time for that DVR) The advertising spin shows our athletes feasting on McNuggets and sucking down Coke... a dubious regimen.
Another Olympic quandary for me is that of snowboarding attire.....in a stylin' good way. When I surf, I’m in a sleek and pliable wetsuit. For biking, it’s spandex. Skaters and skiers are all concerned with aerodynamics and manifest this in their gear. Snowboarding, on the other hand is also about attitude and lifestyle. The participants are more laid back it seems. They both hang loose and they dress loose. They dial in their ipods or do some texting before their run. Cords are dangling. Though this may be less efficient to performance, I can dig it. And the riders do shred!!
Speaking of performance and lifestyle, I caught some Mavericks streaming through their website. No onslaught of commercials here. Colorful commentators too. I love some of the surf terminology as well. When a surfer “got detonated” you knew it was not a good thing. “Going for donuts” seemed a bit more ambiguous. Too bad the event was somewhat eclipsed by the Olympics; as riding a 40 foot wave, seems to me, is even more spectacular!
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