As I pulled in, Doug was already suiting up; so I knew there would be waves. Then 'Surf-707' Alec rolled along side me in his Tundra with personalized plates. Hey you gotta’ represent that Sonoma County area code…even though the three of us are all interlopers at this undisclosed Marin break.
The early morning sky was a thing of beauty and the lack of wind made for clean and glassy waves. Pacific Waverider was way off in it’s prediction of 1’-2’ and poor. Glad I checked Wetsand and Stormsurf too, as well as the coastal weather report and forecast. Plus I’d finished the week’s topo map for work. Basically it was “go time” (but more about that concept later).
Since the waves were quite nice, there was already a small crowd. Catching waves would require strategy and etiquette. The group was experienced but congenial….for the most part. Doug would later comment that some of the take offs were overhead and I surprised myself on several. Left to my own devices, I sometimes will forego a wave, as I don’t have fun dropping into large close outs. When you’re in a lineup though, and someone says it’s “go time”; you go. If not, credibility is lost as is your spot in the rotation. Happily today’s green light meant dropping into waves that held their shape nicely, making for some sweet, peeling lefts and rights. A confidence building session and a nice buzz.
Okay, okay...so I superimposed Pipeline into Mary's photo of Alec and I. One's inner experience is all relative.
im pretty sure waves don't run perpendicular to each other. nice try though haha. if you hadn't said something, i probably wouldn't have noticed though haha