As I sit here icing my iliotibial band, I wonder if I should have danced around the living room like that. Couldn’t help myself as I replayed Man In The Mirror again and again. And that Billie Jean remix. Shamone!
I know, I know. Michael Jackson was a mixed up and misunderstood guy. He did possess some true inner beauty though and his genius cannot be denied.
I tell ya, I actually choked up when I first downloaded Man In The Mirror and gave a listen. (How ironic the title) I guess his estate can sure use the download royalties, what with a 500 million dollar debt. I’d find it hard to spend 5 million, let alone 500! Actually I could have used the 99 cents I spent with iTunes; but it was worth it.
My first reaction to the Michael news was genuine sadness. Such a loss, such an icon, such a tragic figure. Ever striving for love and addicted to plastic surgery. Dude had his face dialed in but had to keep going. So sad. And the chicken hawk charges…we’ll never really know what or who went down.
We loved him and then we loved to dis him and fixate on his weirdness. Now we love him again posthumously. Soon we’ll speculate again on all the strange news that emerges. His music will endure and as for the man, he now truly resides in Neverland.
Matt, You write so well about Michael Jackson. Such thoughtful and poignant comments. Rhio